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Articles Published on 01 Oct 2024


The Northern Ireland Boys’ Brigade (BBNI) has just announced the appointment of Mark Smyth as President of the organisation.

Making the announcement, Glen Miller, Chair of BBNI said:

‘This is an exciting time for BBNI and our new President joins us as we begin to implement our new strategy in Northern Ireland and Donegal.

Through Boys’ Brigade our volunteer leaders help to make a positive impact on many young lives as they seek to encourage them to achieve their full potential and develop a strong set of skills that will equip them for later life.  Our vision is that we can work with churches to raise generations of Christ-like men, and see them make a positive impact on society.’

Mark Smyth has been appointed as President and takes up the role today, 1ST October 2024. Mark is no stranger to Boys’ Brigade having attended and subsequently served as an officer in 3rd Larne Boys’ Brigade. He was captain of 1st Saintfield Boys’ Brigade and served as a Brigade Training Officer. He met his wife Claire at a KGVI course in 1989.

Mark brings to the role a wealth of leadership experience gained from a career in the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service. Mark retired from NIFRS as Area Commander of Belfast & Lisburn in June this year after 31yrs service. During his career he served across NI including Area Commander in the North West in Londonderry during the COVID period and was also responsible for Operational Performance and Improvement for many years in HQ.

Mark came to know the Lord as his personal Saviour over 45yrs ago as a child at a local youth club. He had many great influences in his younger years mostly from his BB officers and his BB Captain. His first Christian leadership role was within BB and he emphasises he’s only the leader he is today due to the foundations of faith taught to him during his youthful BB days.

Mark is the first President of BBNI and takes on this ambassadorial role working alongside the Vice- President David Cleland and Chaplain Rev Jonathan Moxen.

Offering his congratulations to Mark, David Blevins, President, The Boys’ Brigade, Northern Ireland District (2016-2023) said:

‘When I first met Mark Smyth, he was leading a team from the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service, attempting to extinguish a blaze on Slieve Donard.  Three years later, I offer him some advice: keep the fire burning!  Having chatted with Mark, I’m confident he has the burning passion for advancing Christ’s kingdom in a new generation.  Every transition is an opportunity for a fresh commitment.  When King Solomon succeeded his father, the Lord appeared to him a second time and  promised to bless him as he had blessed King David, “if” he walked as his father did. (1 Kings 9: 1-5).  It has been a joy to watch BBNI take shape, as Solomon’s temple did, but do not be tempted to drift from mission to maintenance.  I urge you to support your new President, as your supported me, by renewing your pledge to build the Kingdom alongside him.’

There will be many opportunities to meet Mark in the coming months and requests for his attendance at meetings and company/ battalion events will be handled through the BBNI office by emailing

Pictured with Mark Smyth are David Cleland, Vice-President BBNI and Lisa Keys, Chief Officer BBNI.

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