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The Legacy Badge

“This is a really exciting time for Legacy as we partner with BBNI to launch this new badge..."

Articles Published on 25 Jun 2024

Legacy was founded by Exodus in 2022. With a desire to provide programmes for local churches to help faith and fatherhood thrive. Watch Legacy Director, Andy Lamberton explain more in this video - click here to watch the video.


We are delighted to present for the first time: THE LEGACY BADGE
Available for BBNI companies.


Rob Fraser-Binns, Legacy's Head of Programmes, shares...
“This is a really exciting time for Legacy as we partner with BBNI to launch this new badge, as we continue to see the advancement of God's kingdom both through the local church and in households across Northern Ireland.
The Legacy Badge is a one-night programme with a follow-up challenge, enabling Senior and Company Section boys to spend quality time with a father figure. An evening of challenge, conversation and competition”.


Bethany, the Engagement Officer and Programme Co-ordinator for BBNI shares…
“We are delighted to Partner with Legacy to launch the ‘Legacy Badge’. A one evening programme that enables your Company/Senior Section and a Father Figure to come, spend time and engage with one another. We have some funded sessions through our Programme Extras launching this evening, but ‘Legacy Badge’ can also be booked through Legacy outside of our Programme Extras to come to your BB company. The work of Legacy is so important for young people, I would encourage you to get involved”.


Get in touch with Rob at Legacy to book a session, see PDF below: Please note this is for outside of BBNI's Programme Extras and will have a cost.


We have some funded sessions through our Programme Extras launching 25th June, but ‘Legacy Badge’ can also be booked through Legacy outside of our Programme Extras to come to your BB company at a cost.


Programme Extras are funded sessions, and we have organisations that partner with us to deliver sessions to BB companies. Please be aware there is a limited amount of sessions. You can book one of the external agencies to your BB Company FREE as part of our 'Programme Extras'. We are delighted to have Legacy partner with us in Programme Extras but this programme will also be available outside of the funded sessions!


In September we launched the BBNI Podcast and we were delighted to talk to Andy, founder of Legacy about his journey from farmer to disciple making youth ministry. Find out more about the work of Legacy on this podcast:

Apple Podcasts: CLICK HERE
Youtube: See below


Jun 2024
The Legacy Badge
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