This was written by one of our BB Captains, Harry Lockhart, before his enrolment service.
Our enrolment service is in a few weeks’ time and as Captain I’ve been thinking about what to say.
Have you ever been in that position of looking at a blank screen with no clue about what to write, well that was me over the last few days, I had been praying and asking for God’s help, I was starting to get a bit worried, but I needn’t have, because God placed on my heart an idea of what to say and brought to my mind a verse from the Bible – Jeremiah 1:9.
" Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.” "
In Chapter 1, Jeremiah is called by God to speak God’s words to the people, but he didn’t want to and tells God he wouldn’t know what to say, but God told him what to say!
140 years ago this month the Lord put the right words in the mouth of William Alexander Smith as the words of the BB Object came into being and the promise given at enrolment was taken up for the first time. So for those of you who may be staring at a blank screen the Object has not waivered just as God does not waiver and he always has, and always will put the right words at the right time into your mouths as you who advocate for Christ’s Kingdom, so don’t worry about what to say, He will tell you!
In a few weeks’ time at our enrolment service, I plan to test the Object, put my trust in God and witness BB in action, I’m interviewing two boys from our Company Section who agreed without hesitation to take part.
I will ask them these few questions:
Let’s see what words God puts in their mouths.
Some of the staff team of BBNI were delighted to be invited to an event on Thursday 18th…