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God’s Masterpiece – Anchors Resources

Welcome to the Anchors resources for God’s Masterpiece.  Below you will find all the downloadable activities complete with instructions.

We also provide full night session templates should you want to run God’s Masterpiece over a full night with your children and young people but you can also plan your own evening or use the activities individually.


The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Friendship

A Jewish man is attacked on a journey, and no one stops to help him, even people who you think would help.  Finally, a Samaritan man stops and helps him, making him better and taking him to an inn and pays for him.  The Jews and Samaritans are supposed to be natural enemies, but the Samaritan man ignored societal norms and helped this man because it was the right thing to do.

In BB we too should follow this example, playing with someone who doesn’t have a friend, sitting beside the boy who is by himself, being nice to everyone regardless of who it is.

Jul 2024
Friendship - Full night example session
Jul 2024
Bee Kind Cookies
Jul 2024
Jul 2024
All about me
Jul 2024
Mountains and Valleys

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) All about me

David was a young shepherd boy who wasn’t the biggest, strongest, or the most handsome like his older brothers.  But he was brave.  He stood up for his home and he challenged Goliath, but when the King tried to turn him into a soldier, he decided just to be himself and go just as he was.  He knew God was with him and he didn’t need to change.  In today’s world social media tells us we need to change who we are to be happy.

God has created us exactly as we need to be.  We don’t need to be any different to what God has made us and we should be proud of who we are, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) in God’s image.  Like David, we just need to be ourselves.

Jul 2024
All about me -Full night example session
Jul 2024
All about me
Jul 2024
Can you defeat Goliath?
Jul 2024
Stone painting

The creation story (Genesis 1) The world around us

In the beginning God created the world…and the world was good.  God was happy with what he created, he spent a lot of time making sure everything was just right and just the way that it should be.  He also made every person on this planet and has a plan for them.  He knows us and he is proud of us.  Not only has God made humans, but he made them all unique and wonderful.  Not one person is the same and, in our communities, we can see just how different we all are to each other.  This is something that should be celebrated and we should take the time to learn about those who are different from us from other countries and cultures and celebrate their differences rather than judge them.

Jul 2024
The world around us - Full night example session
Jul 2024
Jul 2024
Salt dough creations
Jul 2024
Creation and the world around us
Jul 2024
The world around us colouring in