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BBNI Strategy

Raising Generations of Christ-like Men

Articles Published on 04 Sep 2024

During our event Abide on Monday 2nd September 2024 we launched our Strategy for The Northern Ireland Boys’ Brigade.

Our Vision
To raise generations of Christ-like men.

Our Mission
To be a ministry tool to aid Christian churches in evangelism and discipleship among boys and young men in Northern Ireland and Donegal.
To invest in boys and young men through a fun, engaging and inspirational programme.

Our Values
As an expression of our Christian faith, we will endeavour to be Christ-like in our behaviour, in particular demonstrating our values.
Courage: rooted in faith and trusting in God, we will seek God’s will for BBNI and confidently lead with courage to fulfill it.
Integrity: we will strive to do the right thing, taking an honest and transparent approach with a commitment to do what is best for our boys, volunteer leaders and staff.
Responsibility: we will act in a responsible manner across all areas of the organisation. We will take responsibility for our actions and learn from our mistakes.
Respect: we value all people and treat everyone with grace and respect, acknowledging  that delivering our mission is a team effort.

You can read the full strategy below and if you were not able to join us for Abide and would like to receive physical copies of the strategy please call us at the office and we will arrange to have these posted out to you.

Sep 2024
BBNI Strategy: Raising Generations of Christ-like men
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