Welcome to The Northern Ireland Boys’ Brigade, known as BBNI. We are delighted that you have joined us on this journey as we continue to Advance Christ’s Kingdom through the work of Boys’ Brigade. For a lot of you, this will be a continuation of many years’ service and fond memories, and for others, this might be the first time you have been involved in voluntary service. No matter why you find yourself here, can I say that you are very welcome.
My name is Glen Miller, Chair of Trustees of BBNI. I’m a lifelong member & leader of BB and have served in many roles over the years. It is my honour and privilege to lead you all in the exciting times that lie ahead for our organisation. We are delighted that we can continue to strengthen our partnership with the churches that we partner with to provide a tried and tested ministry to children and young people in your area.
As an organisation we have all the necessary policies, procedures and protocols that you will require to run an effective Boys’ Brigade company. We are also blessed to have a skilled and dedicated staff team based at our Headquarters in Newport. Please ensure you get to know them and don’t hesitate to get in touch with them, no matter the query or concern.
Also look out for our website and social media platforms where you can receive copies of documents and also keep up to date with news, events, training opportunities and competitions. Also please share your story of BB and that of your children and young people; we love to see what you all get up to.
Can I recommend you take time to read our Outline Plan for BBNI – Share, Shape, Sow
and be part of all that God has in store for us as we step into the land he has given us and receive his blessing?
Wishing you and your company every blessing in the year that lies ahead,
Glen Miller. Chair. BBNI
On Ulster Scots Language week, BBNI are excited to launch a brand NEW resource in partnership with Ulster-Scots Agency. This resource is designed to be used over a night of…
The Northern Ireland Boys’ Brigade (BBNI) is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. We’re looking…
Do you have any Bibles you no longer use? We are partnering with LMI (Logos Ministries International) who…